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Product Group Type Auto Inventory Adjustment Causing SOH Discrepancies Between SIOCS And MFCS (Doc ID 2958491.1)

Last updated on JUNE 29, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service - Version 23.1 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In EICS, product group type Auto Inventory Adjustment is causing SOH discrepancies between SIOCS and MFCS.

Steps To Reproduce:
1. Create a product group of type 'Auto Inventory Adjustment' in EICS with reason code 'Store Use' (code 84 where disposition is: - Stock On Hand) and flag 'Update to Zero' is Yes
2. Create the respective product group components.
3. Check the SOH in SIOCS and MFCS for the selected items and location.
4. Schedule the product group and click Yes on the Confirmation window to execute it. Please note that the outcome is the same if we wait for the batch job.
5. SOH in SIOCS was updated correctly.
6. But many inventory adjustments (transaction type Wastage) were registered in SIOCS transaction history table, which means that all these inv adj messages were sent to MFCS.
7. Check the SOH in MFCS and notice that the SOH was updated incorrectly (negative because of many inv adjustment) and now SOH is not in sync between both systems.


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