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Custom Enhanced Workbench Fails to open for some users with error : "failed due to Forbidden" or ""Missing saved query name or saved condition" (Doc ID 2999871.1)

Last updated on MARCH 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Transportation Management Cloud Service - Version 23.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Certain users may encounter issues when trying to access custom Enhanced Workbenches . These difficulties manifest either as specific error messages generated by OTM or, in some cases, as a blank screen with no error information.

Upon examining the logs, it was shown that some users are encountering multiple "Forbidden" error messages while attempting to access custom Enhanced Workbenches. These errors are primarily associated with infrastructure and REST functionalities, as detailed in the HAR file and Workbench Layout messages.

However, the same Enhanced Workbenches are accessible and function correctly when accessed through DBA and ADMIN roles. Additionally, there is no issue in accessing public workbenches.


Upon further review, it appears that all necessary configurations and permissions have been appropriately set:


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