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SOCS: Print Item, Behavior Of The New Version (v23.2.401) Has Changed. When There's An Error, It Does Not Display (Doc ID 3027039.1)

Last updated on JUNE 06, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Retail Enterprise Inventory Cloud Service - Version 23.2 to 24.0 [Release 23.2 to 24.0]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 23.2 version, Inventory Management

SOCS: Print item, behavior of the new version has changed. When an error, it does not display

Inventory Management - Print item -> understand if the behavior of the new SOCS version has changed. And, it does not indicate an error when nothing has been printed: Total print quantity = 0

When no ticket is printed eg Total print quantity = 0 then the user should see a warning on the Auto Print Item SOCS screen saying 'Ticket(s) were not generated'

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

Item Location "Print Date for the new ticket Effective Date / Time" Current price Future price
207325019050 181 05/01/2024 3.5 5

1. Login in SOCS -> Inventory Management -> Print Item -> Default Attributes -> Auto Mode -> Event Type Permanent > No of days for range 1
2. Scan the item
3. The 1º one with the Event type = Permanent - Only print a ticket if on the specific date any regular event is becoming effective; and the Range days equal to 1, taking into account that the print date will be on 5 January
Note: No message is shown that the ticket was not generated, the header shows Total print quantity = 0

4. The 2º one with the Event type = Permanent - Only print a ticket if on the specific date any regular event is becoming effective; and the Range days equal to 2, taking into account that the print date will be on 5 January
5. Inventory Management -> Print Item -> Default Attributes -> Auto Mode -> Event Type Permanent > No of days for range 2
6. Scan item
7. Now an 'i' icon shows against the item where if you click on it you select the future price
Note: Now you have the correct message displayed in the Auto Print Item screen agains the item

8. The last one, Event type = Always - always prints a ticket, even if there is a price change. With the Range days equal to 1, taking into account that the print date will be on 5 January
Note: After scanning the item there is no message shown

Question: Has the behavior of the new SOCS version changed? if so, in the first and last scenarios we have 1 error since nothing was printed Total Print Qty = 0

Before the latest version:

Item Location "Print Date for the new ticket Effective Date / Time" Current price Future price
205003123296 181 08/12/2023 6 4

The 1º one with the Event type = Permanent - Only print a ticket if on the specific date any regular event is becoming effective; and the Range days equal to 1, taking into account that the print date will be on 8 december
1. Login in SOCS -> Inventory Management -> Print Item -> Default Attributes -> Auto Mode -> Event Type Permanent > No of days for range 1
2. Scan item
3. Message displayed against the item with a red 'i' saying: Ticket(s) were not generated.

Due to this issue, users cannot easily see that a ticket has not been printed.


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