Lease Import Error "FLA_ASSETS_INT, Column INSTALL_SITE_CODE. ORA-12899: Value Too Large"
(Doc ID 3036816.1)
Last updated on JULY 23, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Fusion Lease Accounting - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Lease Import Error "FLA_ASSETS_INT, column INSTALL_SITE_CODE. ORA-12899: value too large"
<INSTALL_SITE_CODE HR_LOCATIONS You must enter a valid location.>
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Firstly, it is noted that when importing Leases via the Lease Contract Import Template, on the Assets tab, the Location Name needs to be provided in the column named 'Location Code'.
2. Users have tested this by loading a valid Location Code and received the following error:
<INSTALL_SITE_CODE HR_LOCATIONS You must enter a valid location.>
Note: Location Names exceed 30 characters. The task 'Manage Locations' allows users to enter Location Names exceeding 30 characters.
Users have thousands of leases to be migrated which are associated with Location Names exceeding 30 characters.
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In this Document
Symptoms |
Cause |
Solution |