How to Perform a Health Check on the Database
(Doc ID 122669.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 09, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and laterOracle Database Exadata Cloud Machine - Version N/A and later
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Database Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Cloud Exadata Service - Version N/A and later
Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service - Version N/A and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This article explains how to perform a BASIC Health Check on the database verifying several configuration issues.
General guidelines are given on what areas to investigate to get a better overview on how the database is working and evolving. These guidelines will reveal common issues regarding configuration as well as problems that may occur in the future.
For a more in depth health check to check Database structure and data dictionary integrity, please follow the appropriate links in chapter 11.
The areas investigated here are mostly based on scripts and are brought to you without any warranty, these scripts may need to be adapted for next database releases and features. This article will probably need to be extended to serve specific application need0s/checks.
Although some performance areas are discussed in this article, it is not the intention of this article to give a full detailed explanation of optimizing the database performance.
1. Parameter file
2. Controlfiles
3. Redolog files
4. Archiving
5. Datafiles
5.1 Autoextend
5.2 Location
6. Tablespaces
6.1 SYSTEM Tablespace
6.2 SYSAUX Tablespace (10g Release and above)
6.3 Locally vs Dictionary Managed Tablespaces
6.4 Temporary Tablespace
6.5 Tablespace Fragmentation
7. Objects
7.1 Number of Extents
7.2 Next extent
7.3 Indexes
8. AUTO vs MANUAL undo
9. Memory Management
9.1 Pre Oracle 9i
9.2 Oracle 9i
9.3 Oracle 10g
9.4 Oracle 11g
9.5 Oracle 12c
10. Logging & Tracing
10.1 Alert File
10.2 Max_dump_file_size
10.3 User and core dump size parameters
10.4 Audit files
11. Advanced Health Checking
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