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Unable To Delete Topic in Hadoop Kafka (Doc ID 2114011.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 03, 2021

Applies to:

Big Data Appliance Integrated Software - Version 4.4.0 and later
Linux x86-64


Unable to delete a Kafka topic so that the replication factor for production can be changed. Found that could not be alter or delete the current topic.

The following output is seen:

[root@<HOSTNAME3> ~]# /opt/cloudera/parcels/KAFKA/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper <HOSTNAME1>:2181,<HOSTNAME2>:2181,<HOSTNAME3>:2181 --delete --topic search
Topic search is marked for deletion.
Note: This will have no impact if delete.topic.enable is not set to true.


[root@<HOSTNAME3> ~]# /opt/cloudera/parcels/KAFKA/bin/kafka-topics --zookeeper <HOSTNAME1>:2181,<HOSTNAME2>:2181,<HOSTNAME3>:2181 --list

The parameter delete.topic.enable is set to true also.


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