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ORA-03170 While Running Queries On Active Data Guard Database (Doc ID 2548508.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Configuration - The SUPER cluster

Protection Mode: MaxPerformance
dgx121 - Primary database
Error: ORA-16825: multiple errors or warnings, including fast-start failover-related errors or warnings, detected for the database

dgx121b - (*) Physical standby database
Warning: ORA-16824: multiple warnings, including fast-start failover-related warnings, detected for the database

Fast-Start Failover: ENABLED

Configuration Status:

Primary DRC log,

2019-05-28 08:21:33.972 req ID 1.1.758004791, opcode MON_VERIFY, phase BEGIN, flags 5
2019-05-28 08:21:33.972 00000000 758004791 DMON: Entered rfmhcexinst
2019-05-28 08:21:33.972 00000000 758004791 DMON: rfmhcexinst calling RSMs
2019-05-28 08:21:33.972 RSM0: Received Get Status Request: rid=0x01011001, sid=9
2019-05-28 08:21:33.974 RSM0: Data Guard: this is not an old primary. The database open may be retried.
2019-05-28 08:21:33.975 RSM0: HEALTH CHECK ERROR: ORA-16808: primary database is not open
2019-05-28 08:21:34.082 RSM0: HEALTH CHECK WARNING: ORA-16829: fast-start failover configuration is lagging         <<<<<<<<<< Standby lagging
2019-05-28 08:21:34.082 RSM0: HEALTH CHECK WARNING: ORA-16819: fast-start failover observer not started             <<<<<<<<<< OBSERVER not started
2019-05-28 08:21:34.094 00000000 758004791 Operation MON_VERIFY canceled during phase 2, error = ORA-16825
2019-05-28 08:21:34.094 RSM0: Received Get Status Request: rid=0x01041001, sid=1
2019-05-28 08:21:34.094 00000000 758004791 DMON: Primary Instance completed health check
2019-05-28 08:21:34.094 INSV: Reply received for message with
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 req ID 1.1.758004791, opcode MON_VERIFY, phase BEGIN
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 DMON: After H/C aggregation, db 0x01001000 has severity=16501, status=16825
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 00000000 758004791 Operation MON_VERIFY canceled during phase 2, error = ORA-16825
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 00000000 758004791 DMON: Primary completed health check
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 00000000 758004791 DMON: Entered rfm_release_chief_lock() for MON_VERIFY
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 DMON: Data Guard Broker Status Summary:
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 DMON: Type Name Severity Status
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 DMON: Configuration The SUPER cluster Warning ORA-16607
2019-05-28 08:21:34.095 DMON: Primary Database dgx121 Error ORA-16825

Standby DRC log,

2019-05-28 09:13:54.071 00000000 1657495567 DMON: Entered rfm_release_chief_lock() for MON_VERIFY
2019-05-28 09:13:54.692 00001000 1657495568 DMON: MON_VERIFY forwarded to site dgx121 for processing
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 00000000 1657495568 DMON: Entered rfm_get_chief_lock() for MON_VERIFY, reason 0
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 00000000 1657495568 DMON: start task execution: client healthcheck
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 00000000 1657495568 DMON: Starting health check
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 INSV: Received message for inter-instance publication
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 req ID 2.1.1657495568, opcode MON_VERIFY, phase BEGIN, flags 5
2019-05-28 09:13:54.709 00000000 1657495568 DMON: status from rfi_post_instances() = ORA-00000
2019-05-28 09:13:54.710 00000000 1657495568 DMON: Entered rfmhcexinst
2019-05-28 09:13:54.710 00000000 1657495568 DMON: rfmhcexinst calling RSMs
2019-05-28 09:13:54.710 RSM0: Received Get Status Request: rid=0x02012001, sid=4
2019-05-28 09:13:54.714 RSM0: check status of log transport, intended state = 1
2019-05-28 09:13:54.842 RSM0: HEALTH CHECK WARNING: ORA-16829: fast-start failover configuration is lagging    <<<<<<<<<< Standby lagging
2019-05-28 09:13:54.842 RSM0: HEALTH CHECK WARNING: ORA-16819: fast-start failover observer not started        <<<<<<<<<< OBSERVER not started
2019-05-28 09:13:54.856 00000000 1657495568 Operation MON_VERIFY continuing with warning, status = ORA-16824
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 RSM0: Received Get Status Request: rid=0x02031001, sid=1
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 00000000 1657495568 DMON: Standby Instance completed health check
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 INSV: Reply received for message with
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 req ID 2.1.1657495568, opcode MON_VERIFY, phase BEGIN
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 DMON: After H/C aggregation, db 0x02001000 has severity=16502, status=16824
2019-05-28 09:13:54.857 00000000 1657495568 Operation MON_VERIFY continuing with warning, status = ORA-16824


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