AP: APXTRF99 - 1099 Forms Common Alignment Issues
(Doc ID 1065336.6)
Last updated on JANUARY 23, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Payables - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
APXTRF99 - 1099 Forms
Many customers experience some alignment issues when printing 1099 Forms to a laser printer. The forms are pre-printed and the output created by Payables is static, therefore, the printer must be correctly set in order for the text to align with the appropriate boxes. The adjustment must therefore be made to the printer in order to alter alignment on the preprinted form.
Adjustments to printer alignment are usually accomplished through the initialization string for the driver selected when submitting the concurrent request. Note the Style and Printer Name that are being selected when submitting the concurrent request to print 1099 Forms. The Style is attached to a Driver that contains the initialization string that will need to be modified.
The string consists of code provided by the printer manufacturer. Please refer your Printer User Guide for specific codes. Each printer model uses a different set of codes. Therefore, the examples below are intended as a guide and may not work specifically for your printer. Substitute the appropriate values when necessary. All examples are based on an HP LaserJet 4.
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