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How To Setup And Troubleshoot Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules (Doc ID 1116934.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Receivables - Version and later
Oracle Order Management - Version 12.2.7 to 12.2.7 [Release 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Executable:RAXMTR - AutoInvoice Master Program
Executable:RAXTRX - AutoInvoice Import Program
Form:ARXTWMAI.FMB - Transactions
Form:RAXSURUL.FMB - Define Invoicing and Accounting Rules


Oracle Receivables (AR): AutoInvoice Information Center > Troubleshooting AutoInvoice for Oracle Receivables Release 11.5 Through 12 > Note 1116934.1

Oracle Receivables (AR): Transactions Workbench Information Center > Note 1116934.1

Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules are used by Receivables to determine how you want to recognize your Receivable and Revenue. The information you setup for Accounting Rules determines the behavior of Revenue Recognition, and defines how the GL distributions are created for your invoices.

This note is intended provide an overview of Invoicing and Accounting Rules in Receivables. It will discuss the difference and relationship between Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules and provide details on how to set it up as well as troubleshoot issues.

Since Invoicing and Accounting Rules are tightly integrated with Revenue Recognition, please also review Note 1121944.1, Understanding and Troubleshooting Revenue Recognition

If you are encountering other issues involving AutoInvoice, please review Note 1075757.1, Troubleshooting AutoInvoice for Oracle Receivables Release 11.5 Through 12


Troubleshooting Steps

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In this Document
Troubleshooting Steps
 1. Overview of Invoicing Rules and Accounting Rules
    a. Invoicing Rules
    b. Accounting Rules
 2. Setting up Invoicing and Accounting Rules
 3. Using Invoicing and Accounting Rules
    a. Transactions form
    b. AutoInvoice
 4. Underlying table information for Invoicing and Accounting Rules
 5. Troubleshooting Invoicing and Accounting Rules
    a. Rule Defaulting issues
         i. Invoicing and Accounting Rule from setup for an Inventory Item
         ii. Invoicing Rule in transactions form
    b. Unexpected behavior when using the seeded Accounting Rule = Immediate when interfacing Sales Orders from Order Management (OM)
    c. Explanation of changes to Transaction and GL date in transaction form when using Bill in Arrears
    d. Updating Invoicing and Accounting Rules
    e. When choosing an Accounting rule get error
    f. Using Daily Revenue Rate type of periods raises error
    g. Unexpected Percentages when using an Accounting rule spread over multiple periods
    h. Issues with dates: Transaction or GL date
         i) Variable Accounting rule with over 50 periods
         ii) Other GL date issues
    i. Unable to update fields associated to Daily Revenue Rate in Interface Lines form
    j. Please supply both an invoicing rule and an accounting rule for this invoice.
    k. The valid values for credit method for accounting rule are: PRORATE, LIFO and UNIT
 6. Code Bugs
 7. Troubleshooting Tips/Questions
 8. Still Have Questions?

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