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The Lowest Bid from a Spot Bid is not Being Automatically Tendered When the Expected Response Time is Reached (Doc ID 1282474.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Transportation Management - Version 5.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A shipment is created in which a Spot Bid was sent out to two Service Providers. Each of the Service Providers respond with an offer.

When the Expected Response Time is reached, OTM is expected to select the cheapest Service Provider offer and automatically send them a tender to accept. It is found that OTM is not sending this tender and instead the tender is set to a Status of: NO RESPONSE

Expect when the Expected Response Time is reached, OTM should send a Tender Offer to the Service Provider in which submitted the cheapest bid.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Create two Service Providers (via Contract and Rate Management -> Service Provider Manager)

2. Locate an existing shiment (Shipment Management -> Shipment Management -> Buy Shipment)

3. Send a Spot Bid to the two Service Providers (Actions -> Shipment Management -> Open Tender -> Spot Bid) with a defined Expected Response Time

4. Allow the two Service Providers to enter a Bid on this Spot Bid (Shipment Management -> Online Booking/Tendering)

5. Once the Expected Response Time is reached, OTM will automatically process the bid responses. Here it is expected that OTM should offer the bid to the lowest bidder

6. Check the Tender to see the status and notice it is set to NO RESPONSE (Shipment Management -> Online Booking/Tendering)


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