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R 12.1: Reqs_in_pool_flag On Req Lines Are Out Of Synch With Authorization Status Of Req Header (Doc ID 1294820.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Purchasing - Version 12.1.2 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Form:POXRQERQ.FMB - Enter Requisitions GUI
Form:POXBWVRP.FMB - AutoCreate Documents GUI
Form:POXPOEPO.FMB - Enter Purchase Orders GUI


When a PO is cancelled, the requisition lines associated with the PO shipments are being returned to the pool irrespective of the Authorization status of the Requisition Header associated with those requisition lines.

The return to req pool procedure is not considering the authorization status of the Requisition Header before returning the lines to the pool.

Consequently, buyers have reports that are incorrectly identifying their work load.

The REQS_IN_POOL_FLAG on Requisition Lines should be in synch with Authorization Status of Req Header

Steps to reproduce:

1) Create and approve a requisition with two lines (Call it as REQ123 for future reference)
2) Using autocreate, create a Standard PO using only one of the req lines (Line Number 1) from REQ123
3) Approve the PO (Say PO123)
4) Using autocreate, search again for Req 123 and this will return only one line (Line Number 2)
5) Return this line, which will change the Requisition Status to Returned
6) Check the PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL.reqs_in_pool_flag for the two req lines in the back-end.    Both are null and this is as desired.
6) Open the Purchase Order - PO123 in the PO summary form
7) Perform a Cancel on the entire PO - Do not select the option to cancel the req lines
8) Now check the PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL.reqs_in_pool_flag - You'll notice that the Req Line 1 has a value of "Y" and the req line 2 is null.  The authorization status of the Requisition is Returned.


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