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Contract Approval Workflow Always Deferred If Any User Has Auto-Sign Vacation Rule (Doc ID 1324546.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Service Contracts - Version 12.0.6 to 12.0.6 [Release 12]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Find that the service contract approval workflow gets deferred if a user has a vacation_rule defined to auto-sign contracts and the parameter value AT_LEAST_ONE_RULE_MUST_APPLY in AME is set to FALSE for the contract approval AME Transaction Type.  Then the contract submitted for approval gets automatically approved and the node set_k_signed_date in OKCAUKAP workflow is deferred. But this is happening for ALL users if ANY user has a vacation rule defined.

The contract becomes active after Workflow Background Process is run for deferred workflows.

Expected behaviour:
Expect that the workflow will only get deferred for users who have a vacation rule defined to auto-sign contracts.  For users who are going through the sign notification manually, then the workflow should not be deferred and should complete without having to run Workflow Background Process.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Log in as User1, from the EBS home page, click on the Vacation Rules hyperlink from the notifications area
2. Define a vacation rule for the Item type = Contract Approval, Notification = Sign Contract please
- click on the Respond radio button
- set Sign please = Yes
3. Make sure that the 'Service Contract Approval' transaction type in Approvals Management has AT_LEAST_ONE_RULE_MUST_APPLY = FALSE so that the approval step is skipped.
4. Log in as User2 (who has NO vacation rule defined to auto-sign contracts) and go to (R) Service Contracts Manager (N) Launchpad.  Search for an existing Entered status service agreement contract and submit for approval
- the contract is auto-approved and User2 receives a notification to sign the contract.
5. User2 signs the contract from the sign approval
- the contract status stays at Entered and negotiation status 'Pending Internal Approval'
6. Go to Workflow application and check the OKCAUKAP workflow
- will see that it is deferred at the Set_k_signed_date node.


Applied <Patch 8558419>.


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