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General Ledger FAQ for Budgets (Doc ID 136633.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 03, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle General Ledger - Version 10.7 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Form:GLXBDCAL.FMB - Calculate Budget Amounts
Form:GLXBDDEF.FMB - Define Budget
Form:GLXBDENT.FMB - Enter Budget Amounts/Journals
Form:GLXBDORG.FMB - Define Budget Organization
Form:GLXBDFRZ.FMB - Freeze Budgets
Form:GLXBDUPL.FMB - Upload Budgets
Form:GLXBDXFR.FMB - Budget Transfer
Form:GLXIQBCT.FMB - Budgetary Control Transactions
Form:GLXSTBCG.FMB - Budgetary Control Group
Form:GLXIQBUD.FMB - Budget Inquiry
GLBAAC - AutoCopy Budget Organization
GLBAAR - Assign Budget Account Ranges
GLBBSU - Upload Budget Amounts
GLBCRE - AutoCopy Budget
GLBDBO - Program - Delete Budget Organization
GLBMBO - Program - Maintain Budget Organization
GLBOYR - Open Budget Year
GLEFCB - Program - GL Euro as Functional Currency: Convert Budget Amounts
GLGFUN - Budget - Funds Available Analysis
GLPRBE - Budget Formulas
GLR10 - Budget worksheet report
GLRB1M - Budget Organizations Listing
GLRRBUDA - Budget - Unbudgeted Master/Detail Accounts
GLSBRP - Budget Posting
GLXBCRBC.RDF - Budgetary Control Transactions
GLXBOR.RDF - Budget - Organization Range Listing
GLXBTB.RDF - Trial Balance - Budget
GLXFBL - Frozen Budget Accounts Listing
GLXRLBOL.RDF - Budget - Organization Listing
GLXRLFBL.RDF - Budget - Frozen Budgets Accounts Listing
GLXRLSBF - Reports on name, description, etc for all budget formulas.


This note aims to answering some basic questions about Budgets in General Ledger (versions prior to R12)

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 1. Can I disable budgetary control for a set of books?
 2. Is there a limit to the number of periods in a budget year or how many years a budget can span?
 3. Why Detail budgets do not roll up to the Master budget?
 4. I was able to post a budget journal to a closed period, why?
 5. How many 'Current' budgets can I have?
 6. Why my budget amounts do not appear in FSG?
 7. What is a funding budget?
 8. Why is my budget requiring budget journals? At the set of books level that option is not enabled.
 9. Why can't I inquire on my budget amounts from INQUIRE/BUDGETS navigation path?
 10. Why Cant I see values from both my budget in the funds inquiry screen?
 11. If I delete my budget org, will the budget amounts be deleted?
 12. Can I update/adjust an existing account range in my budget organization?
 13. Can I delete a budget?
 14. How many times can a budget be purged?
 15. Why do my asset and liability budgets not roll forward?
 16. Why do I receive an advisory warning during funds reservation of a manual journal entry, even though there are sufficient funds in the account?
 17. Why is there no value in the REQUEST_ID column of GL_BUDGET_INTERFACE for rows with data that failed to be uploaded by the Budget Spreadsheet Upload program?
 18. I am trying to open the next budget year but the [Open Next Year] button is grayed out.
 19. Why are account code combinations not being added to the Budget Organization?
 20. How can a detail budget be linked to a Master budget?
 21. The Budget Organization has been deleted, can it be re-instated ?
 Still Have Questions?

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