Unit Selling Price Is Calculating Wrong After Changing Of List Price In Sales Order Line Entered in Unit of Measure (UOM) Other than Primary UOM
(Doc ID 1415098.1)
Last updated on JULY 10, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Order Management - Version 12.0 to 12.0.7 [Release 12.0]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended in any manner.
Find that when an order line is entered for a unit of measure (UOM) that is not the primary UOM of the price list that when one overrides the list price and saves, the unit selling price is then updated based on
the primary UOM of the price list.
Expect the unit selling price to be the same as the overridden list price when no modifiers are applied
and the user overrides the list price.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Set profile option at user level
OM: List Price Override Privilege = UNLIMITED
2. Responsibility: Order Management Super User (or equivalent)
3. Navigate to: Orders, Returns > Sales Orders
4. Enter a sales order line for a UOM that is not the primary UOM on the price list. Save
5. Override the list price (at this point the list price and unit selling price are the same).
6. Save.
7. Find that the USP is changed based on the primary UOM of the price list.
UOM Conversion Definitions:
For item xxxxx primary UOM is Case and secondary is Pouch
1 Pouch = 1 Pieces (Pcs)
1 Cse= 375 Pieces (Pcs)
1Kg = 25 Pieces (Pcs)
Price list = yyyyy Price List
Shows UOM = Cse (Case) with primary UOM checked unit price = 3000
Order has been raised in primary UOM USP and List price is calculating fine. 1 Cse shows Unit Selling Price (USP) = 3000 and List Price = 3000
When order has been raised in secondary UOM then also USP and List price is calculating fine
1 kg shows USP = 200 and List Price = 200
When list price is changed the USP coming fine
1 kg shows USP = 181 and List Price = 181
but save the data changes and takes the price of primary UOM,
1 kg shows USP = 2714.99999864250... and List Price = 181
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