Inventory Standard Datafix Instruction #18: Fixing View Material Transactions Screen Raise Error APP-FND-00756:CANNOT FIND COMBINATION CCID=40225 CODE=MKTS
(Doc ID 1471880.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document provides the detailed instructions for fixing the View Material Transactions Screen when it is raising an error like : APP-FND-00756:CANNOT FIND COMBINATION CCID=40225 CODE=MKTS. Also this document will show all the available information regarding the Root Cause of this data corruption.
Please follow up this document in the following order: A. Identification Scripts: This will confirm if you are having this data corrution. B. Verifying your file versions: This will allow you and support to confirm if you are already in a known fixed version. C. Root Cause Analysis. It shows all the relevant information about this issue Root Cause. D. Datafix Intructions. It will provide steps for fixing the data corruption.
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