Credit Card Information Not Being Copied From Sales Order To Sales Return.
(Doc ID 1473793.1)
Last updated on MARCH 28, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Order Management - Version and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Credit card information is not being copied from closed sales order, Example: XXXXX to sales return, Example: YYYYY.
This issue is only occurring in the TEST/DEV environment, this works properly in the PRODUCTION instance.
This is a problem at the order header level.
Expect the functionality for Copying a Sales Order to Return Order to populate the Credit Card Information
as previous done.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Responsibility: Order Management Super User
2. Order Organzier > Sales Order
3. Enter, book, pick and ship sales order, Example: XXXXX.
4. Now go to Actions > Copy sales order XXXXX to (RMA) sales return order, Example: YYYYYY.
5. Observe: The credit card information from sales order XXXXXX did not copy to YYYYYY.
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