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Not Able to Create Assignment in Polish Business Group Using API hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg (Doc ID 1682343.1)

Last updated on MAY 31, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle HRMS (Poland) - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.1.3 version, Poland HR

When attempting to run the API hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg
on a Polish Business Group the following error occurs.

ORA-20001: The mandatory argument Assignment Category value cannot be null

Cause: The mandatory argument Assignment Category has either not been specified or has been explicitly set to null in the API PER_PL_ASSIGNMENT.UPDATE_PL_EMP_ASG .

Action: Either specify a value for the Assignment Category argument which is not null or contact your local support representative.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_ASSIGNMENT_API", line 11297
ORA-06512: at line 25

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

Run the following hardcoded API

  x_cagr_grade_def_id NUMBER;
  x_cagr_concatenated_segments VARCHAR2 (2000);
  x_concatenated_segments VARCHAR2 (2000);
  x_soft_coding_keyflex_id NUMBER;
  x_comment_id NUMBER;
  x_effective_start_date DATE;
  x_effective_end_date DATE;
  x_no_managers_warning BOOLEAN;
  x_other_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
  x_hourly_salaried_warning BOOLEAN;
  x_gsp_post_process_warning VARCHAR2 (2000);
  x_object_version_number NUMBER :=1;
  x_special_ceiling_step_id NUMBER;
  x_people_group_id NUMBER;
  x_group_name VARCHAR2 (2000);
  x_org_now_no_manager_warning BOOLEAN;
  x_spp_delete_warning BOOLEAN;
  x_entries_changed_warning VARCHAR2 (2000);
  x_tax_district_changed_warning BOOLEAN;

  p_validate => FALSE,
  p_effective_date => TO_DATE('1/1/2014','MM/DD/YYYY'),
  p_datetrack_update_mode => 'UPDATE',
  p_assignment_id => <assignment_id>,
  p_object_version_number => x_object_version_number,
  -- p_supervisor_id => <supervisor_id>,
  p_assignment_number =><'assignment_number'>,
  p_change_reason => NULL,
  p_assignment_status_type_id => 1,
  p_comments => hr_api.g_varchar2,
  p_date_probation_end => NULL,
  p_default_code_comb_id => NULL,
  p_frequency =>'W',
  p_internal_address_line => NULL,
  p_manager_flag => 'N',
  p_normal_hours => 40,
  p_perf_review_period => NULL,
  p_perf_review_period_frequency => NULL,
  p_probation_period => NULL,
  p_probation_unit => NULL,
  p_projected_assignment_end => hr_api.g_date,
  p_sal_review_period => NULL,
  p_sal_review_period_frequency => NULL,
  -- p_set_of_books_id => <set_of_books_id>,
  p_source_type => null,
  p_time_normal_finish => '17:00',
  p_time_normal_start => '9:00',
  p_bargaining_unit_code => null,
  p_labour_union_member_flag => 'N',
  p_hourly_salaried_code => 'S',
  p_ass_attribute_category => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute1 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute2 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute3 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute4 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute5 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute6 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute7 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute8 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute9 => NULL,
  p_ass_attribute10 => NULL,
  p_title => NULL,
  p_segment1 => NULL,
  p_segment2 => NULL,
  p_segment3 => 'NORMAL',
  p_segment4 => 'N01',
  p_segment5 => <segment5>,
  p_segment6 => NULL,
  p_segment7 => NULL,
  p_segment8 => NULL,
  p_segment9 => NULL,
  p_segment10 => NULL,
  p_segment11 => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(to_date('29-MAY-2014','DD-MON-YYYY')),
  p_segment12 => NULL,
  p_segment13 => NULL,
  p_segment14 => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(to_date('29-MAY-2014','DD-MON-YYYY')),
  p_segment15 => NULL,
  p_segment16 => NULL,
  p_segment17 => NULL,
  p_segment18 => NULL,
  p_segment19 => NULL,
  p_segment20 => NULL,
  p_segment21 => NULL,
  p_segment22 => NULL,
  p_segment23 => NULL,
  p_segment24 => NULL,
  p_segment25 => NULL,
  p_segment26 => NULL,
  p_segment27 => NULL,
  p_segment28 => NULL,
  p_segment29 => NULL,
  p_segment30 => NULL,
  p_concat_segments => NULL,
  p_contract_id => NULL,
  p_establishment_id => NULL,
  p_collective_agreement_id => NULL,
  p_cagr_id_flex_num => NULL,
  p_cag_segment1 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment2 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment3 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment4 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment5 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment6 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment7 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment8 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment9 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment10 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment11 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment12 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment13 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment14 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment15 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment16 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment17 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment18 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment19 => NULL,
  p_cag_segment20 => NULL,
  p_notice_period => NULL,
  p_notice_period_uom => NULL,
  p_employee_category => NULL,
  p_work_at_home => NULL,
  p_job_post_source_name => NULL,
  p_supervisor_assignment_id => NULL,
  p_cagr_grade_def_id => x_cagr_grade_def_id,
  p_cagr_concatenated_segments => x_cagr_concatenated_segments,
  p_concatenated_segments => x_concatenated_segments,
  p_soft_coding_keyflex_id => x_soft_coding_keyflex_id,
  p_comment_id => x_comment_id,
  p_effective_start_date => x_effective_start_date,
  p_effective_end_date => x_effective_end_date,
  p_no_managers_warning => x_no_managers_warning,
  p_other_manager_warning => x_other_manager_warning,
  p_hourly_salaried_warning => x_hourly_salaried_warning,
  p_gsp_post_process_warning => x_gsp_post_process_warning
Error report -
ORA-20001: The mandatory argument Assignment Category value cannot be null

Cause: The mandatory argument Assignment Category has either not been specified or has been explicitly set to null in the API PER_PL_ASSIGNMENT.UPDATE_PL_EMP_ASG .

Action: Either specify a value for the Assignment Category argument which is not null or contact your local support representative.
ORA-06512: at "APPS.HR_ASSIGNMENT_API", line 11297
ORA-06512: at line 25


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