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Population Method Saved Query Not Defaulting on the Restricted Party Workbench (Doc ID 1986988.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Global Trade Management - Version 6.3.4 to 6.3.5 [Release 6.3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Advanced layout enables a user to set a saved query to be used when the layout is opened. You have the Ability to select the saved query, however the saved query is not actually saved to the advanced layout, because clicking Finished then going back into the advanced layout, the saved query is no longer specified.

This issue is Experienced in the following manner:
1. Navigate to Configuration and Administration>User Configuration>Advanced Layout clicked Search

2. When the List of results returned selected the checkbox for RESTRICTED_PARTY_SCREENING_BOARD and Copy the Advanced layout and call it XXXXX

3. Proceed to click on Created Advanced Layout XXXXX - This will Open the Advanced layout

4. Under the Primary Pane clicked on Contact - Screening Board Table (c_5) and this will enabled the screen on the Right

5. Under the section Population change the Value for the field Population Method from empty to Saved Query -- This will add the field Saved Query Name

6. Proceed to enter a Saved Query called PARTY_WO_REQUIRES REVIEW

7. Clicked Finished to Save

8. Proceed to Open the Advanced Layout called XXXXX

9. Under the Primary Pane clicked on Contact - Screening Board Table (c_5) and this will enabled the screen on the Right

10.Under the section Population changed the Value for the field Population Method from empty to Saved Query -- This will added the field Saved Query Name and the Value for the Saved Query called PARTY_WO_REQUIRES REVIEW

The issue here is Step 10 where you have to complete following in quotes
"Under the section Population changed the Value for the field Population Method from empty to Saved Query -- This will added the field Saved Query Name and the Value for the Saved Query called PARTY_WO_REQUIRES REVIEW"
as once you get past Step 7 and then proceed to complete Step 8 and then Step 9 The Screen Should Default showing the Save Query -- You should not have to change the Value for the field Population Method from empty to Saved Query to see the change


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