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Able To Cancel Internal Requisition (IR) After Internal Sales Order (ISO) Shipped But Prior To Being Received (Doc ID 2006585.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Purchasing - Version 12.2.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.2.3 version, PO Control functions

Using Purchasing, cancel the internal requisition (IR) line is allows even thought the corresponding internal sales order line has shipped and a partial receipt was conducted on the IR line.

Expectation is that the Cancel should not be allowed.

As a results of the cancel, the delivery on the requisition  line can never be completed as the receipt fails:

RVTII-077:ORA:-01476: divisor is equal to zero

Steps to reporduce:
1. Create Internal Requisition to Sales order
2. Create Intransit ISO shipment
3. Ship confirm the ISO shipment or partially ship
4. Cancel the Internal Requisition line associated with the shipped sales order line
5. Unable to receive because the IR has been canceled
   but the ISO shipment is outstanding
6. Note that req_line_quantity goes to 0

Delivery done against the receipt fails:
RVTII-077:ORA:-01476: divisor is equal to zero





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