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AR GDF: AR_DFS_RCT_REV_REFUND_APP.sql Attempt to Unapply a Refund and Receive Error: AP_INV_CANCEL_ALREADY_CNCL (Doc ID 2064325.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Payables - Version 12.1.3 and later
Oracle Receivables - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


A refunded invoice was cancelled and left the refund in a status of Applied. The refund was created from AR, which created the invoice in Payables. The Payables invoice was cancelled, but the refund still shows up in AR.  

When you attempt to unapply the refund, in the Receipt Applications window, you receive the following error:


Responsibility:  Receivables Manager
Navigation: Receipts > Receipts

    1. Find Receipt in question in Receipts Form and open Applications window.
    2. Try to unapply Refund

Use the following SQL to identify it:




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