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Orphan Move Orders From Process Manufacturing: Move Orders Not Closed Even If Process Batch Is Cancelled (Doc ID 2096764.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Process Manufacturing Process Execution - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Find orphan move orders for closed/canceled process batches.

Expect move orders to close when the related job / process batch are closed.

When a process batch is created, a move order is created automatically.
The move orders are created in the inventory move order header table (MTL_TXN_REQUEST_HEADERS) and lines table (MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES) to support process manufacturing (OPM).
When the batch is closed, move order are not getting closed resulting in orphan move orders.

The issue can be misleading as users cannot query the move orders in the standard transact move order form because these are process manufacturing (OPM).
The move order shows that it supports Work in Process (WIP) with a transaction source type id of 5 / WIP.
The WIP entity type is 10/Process Batch (WIP_ENTITIES.ENTITY_TYPE = 10).
Although the batch creates a WIP Entity record, it does not create a WIP Discrete Job (WIP_DISCRETE_JOBS) record.

1. Create a process batch
2. The move order is created automatically
3. Close the batch
4. The move order is not closed.

Business Impact
As a result of this issue, you could fail to inactivate items because the open move orders preventing changing the item to inactive with an error like this:



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In this Document
 A. Datafix
 B. Patch

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