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Oracle Reports Based programs fail with "Application Object Library cannot write to temporary directory." (Doc ID 2156052.1)

Last updated on MAY 05, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Application Object Library - Version 12.2.4 to 12.2.4 [Release 12.2]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.2.4 version, Print styles, drivers, types, pdf, postscript, any not PASTA related

When attempting to run any concurrent program which uses Oracle Report as executable
the following error occurs.

Application Object Library cannot write to temporary directory.

Cause: The user-specified temporary directory is not a valid directory for creating temporary files.

Action: Choose a different temporary directory. This is usually specified
APP-FND-01412: An error occurred in getting printer driver information from the database for printer type LN03 and print style LANDSCAPE
Concurrent Manager encountered an error while running Oracle*Report for your concurrent request 383467192.




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