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Customer PO Number on Order Line are Updated from Order Header (Doc ID 2231135.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.1.3 version, Trx Changes & Cancellations

On manually entered order, enter Customer PO Number on order header, it populates the order lines.
On the imported order which associated with Pricing Agreement, when manually add PO Number on the order header, it does not populate the order lines.

Adding PO number to header during order import populates the lines correctly, but this is not a valid workaround as we do not know the PO number when we are doing the import.
We have to manually open the Order and add the PO Number and we want it to automatically populate all the lines.

Customer po number on the order lines to be populated.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Import order using order import
2. Open Sales Order form and query the order
3. Update Customer PO Number on the order header.
It does not update the same field on the order lines.


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