FAQ: Purchasing Requisitions
(Doc ID 223856.1)
Last updated on APRIL 08, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Purchasing - Version 10.7 to 11.5.10 [Release 10.7 to 11.5]Information in this document applies to any platform.
REQUISITIONS: Requisitions - Release 10.7, 11.0, 11.5.X
Frequently reported how-to questions relating to product specific programs.
Questions and Answers
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In this Document
Purpose |
Questions and Answers |
What are the different authorization_status can a requisition have? |
Can an approved requisition be viewed in the Requisition form? |
Can an approved requisition be revised? |
Why is there no list of values for items in the requisition form after they have been defined in the item master? |
Is the Supplier item field a validated field? |
How can you have specific Requestor defaulted on Requisition form? |
Can I change the item number in requisition lines after saving the record? |
What all control actions I can perform on a requisition through Document control window? |
What is the authorization_status of a requisition after Finally closing it? |
Can I cancel or finally close any requisition from Document Control Window? |
What happens if the requisition cancelled of finally closed through Document Control Window and encumbrance is on? |
How can I confirm that my requisition has sufficient funds? |
How to find out which sales orders are linked to a Purchase Order? |
What does the status Pre-Approved mean, and how does a document reach this status? |
When you try to 'Save' a requisition, the following message appears: PO_ALL_POSTING_NA. |
While forwarding requisition for approval, error APP-14056: User exit po find_forward returned error. |
Unable to enter Project information on the Distribution line of a Requisition. |
When a requisition is autocreated to a purchase order, supplier information is not populated in the purchase order header. |
The system does not allow you to change the Price and / or quantity of an approved Requisition line before AutoCreating a Purchase Order. |
Cannot find a Document in the Notifications form which has been forwarded by an intermediate Approver. |
You are allowed to update 'Destination Type' from 'Inventory' to 'Expense' in the requisition form. |
Clicking on the LOV to select an employee to forward the document gives error:FRM-41830: List Of Values contains no entries. |
The requisition can be saved without the need-by date field being populated. |
In the Enter Purchase Order form and in the Enter Requisitions form, the List of Values in the Items field is not retrieving some of the items. |
The items with destination type as Inventory have the destination type as Expense defaulting in the Enter Requisitions form. |