FAQ: Purchasing Create Internal Requisition / Sales Order
(Doc ID 223858.1)
Last updated on APRIL 04, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Purchasing - Version 10.7 to 11.5.10 [Release 10.7 to 11.5]Information in this document applies to any platform.
FAQ: Purchasing Create Internal Requisition / Sales Order
Questions and Answers
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In this Document
Purpose |
Questions and Answers |
Which Requisitions are processed via Create Internal Sales Order? |
Why am I unable to select ‘Inventory’ as my source type when I create a Requisition? |
When I try to enter a Requisition line, which is internally sourced, I am unable to see my source Organization in the LOV? |
Is the create Internal Sales Order process Operating Unit dependent? |
Why is it that after creating and approving an Internal Requisition and running the Create Internal Sales Order process my Requisition line is not transferred to OE? |
Why is it that after Running ‘Create Internal Sales Order’ process and Order Import the records are still there in the Interface tables? |
What are the ways to debug the ‘Create Internal Sales Order’? |
Why is the transferred_to_oe_flag at the headers updated to ‘Y’ even if some of the records failed during the ‘Create Internal Sales Order’ process? |
Cannot save the internal requisition with message ‘Destination location requires customer association’ prompted? |