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Subordinate does not Have Proper Supervisor When Terminating the Supervisor by using the process HR_QK_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC from SSHR (Doc ID 2249126.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Self-Service Human Resources - Version 12.2.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When terminating an employee by using the process HR_QK_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC, the subordinate still have the employee as supervisor.

When terminating an employee by using the process HR_QK_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC, the subordinate should not have the employee as supervisor and the supervisor's boss should be assigned to the subordinate as supervisor.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Check the profile option "HR:Manager Actions Menu" is proper value in your Manager Self-Service(MSS) responsibility.
2. Change the function "HR_TERMINATION_SS"
Responsibility:System Administrator
(N) Application -> Function
2-1.Search "HR_TERMINATION_SS" in "Function" field
2-2.Click the "Form" tab and change the value "Parameters" as below to use the process "HR_QK_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC"


3.Terminate one person(A) from MSS by using Termination Function.

Please note that A has subordinate(B) and C is supervisor of A.

4. The terminated employee's Subordinate(B) has still assigned to the terminated person(A).

(C should be assigned to B as B's supervisor automatically)

Please note that the manual mentioned as below.
Oracle Self-Service Human Resources
Deploy Self-Service Capability Guide
Release 12.2
Part No. E59068-01

Quick Termination Process

The Quick Termination process (HR_QK_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC) is in addition to
the existing Termination process (HR_TERMINATION_JSP_PRC). Using this process
managers can enter termination details of their workers and submit the
transaction for approval, without having to navigate to the 'Change Manager'
page to reallocate the workers who report to the terminated worker, if the
terminated worker is a manager. Oracle SSHR automatically moves the workers
reporting to the terminated manager to the terminated manager's manager. A
message informing the change is displayed on the Termination page.


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