12.1 AP: Bank_account_type Should Be Checking, Saving Or Savings ?
(Doc ID 2483447.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Payables - Version 12.1.1 to 12.1.3 [Release 12.1]Information in this document applies to any platform.
In a previous <bug 11925913> it was noticed that after an upgrade from 11i to R12, bank account type was 'C' or 'S'. It should have been CHECKING or SAVING.
Since that time, ibyfvvlb.pls is validating that the bank_account_type = 'SAVINGS', whereas creating/updating the bank_account_type via the supplier form creates the records as 'SAVING' in iby_ext_bank_accounts.bank_account_type.
So there is a disconnect between what the form is doing vs what ibyfvvlb.pls is looking for, e.g. excerpt from our ibyfvvlb.pls 120.18.12010000.5:
IF (p_bank_account_type IS NULL ) OR UPPER(p_bank_account_type) NOT IN ('CHECKING','SAVINGS') THEN
x_error_mesg := 'For the invoice ' || l_invoice_num || ', the payee bank account ' || p_bank_account_name || ' must have a bank account type of either ''Checking'' or "Savings''';
x_error_mesg := x_error_mesg || '. Please correct the error, terminate this request and submit a new request';
The latest version of ibyfvvlb.pls is 120.18.12010000.6 from patch 11740157
and it too has
IF (p_bank_account_type IS NULL ) OR UPPER(p_bank_account_type) NOT IN ('CHECKING','SAVINGS') THEN
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