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R12: AP: In Supplier Entry, Business Classification: When Uncheck 'Applicable' checkbox and Choose 'Minority Type' (Doc ID 2704221.1)

Last updated on APRIL 15, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Payables - Version 12.1.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


For R12.1.X
BusClassPG 120.9.12010000.2

In Payables Supplier Entry, the 'Applicable' checkbox of Business classification is checked automatically ,when "Minority Type" is selected.

1. Under payable manager, suppliers-> entry
2. Query up a supplier
3. Go to 'Business Classification'
'Applicable' checkbox=OFF
4. Select "Minority Type"
5. Click on 'Save'
'Applicable' checkbox of Business classification is checked automatically

'Applicable' checkbox=ON


In R12.2.X
BusClassPG 120.12.12020000.3
In Payables Supplier Entry, the "Minority Type" of Business classification is cleared automatically ,when "Minority Type" is selected (and 'Applicable' checkbox=OFF).

1. Under payable manager, suppliers-> entry
2. Query up a supplier
3. Go to 'Business Classification'
'Applicable' checkbox=OFF
4. Select "Minority Type"
5. Click on 'Save'
'Applicable' checkbox of Business classification is not checked automatically and "Minority Type" is cleared.

'Applicable' checkbox=OFF
"Minority Type" = Null





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