Qty Shipped is Incorrect When Ordering in a UOM in the Item's Secondary UOM Class but not the Actual Item Secondary UOM, and When Using Lot Based Conversions
(Doc ID 2706840.1)
Last updated on APRIL 05, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 12.1.3 and laterOracle Order Management - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : 12.1.3 version,
When ordering in a UOM in the same UOM class as the item's secondary UOM, and a lot with a lot-specific UOM conversion is allocated, the Qty Shipped ends up being incorrect and out of sync with the Secondary Qty Shipped.
Expect the Qty Shipped to be equal to the Secondary Qty Shipped times the UOM conversion between the two units of measure.
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
Create following UOM conversions:
Item conversion 1 GAL = 8.683 LB
Standard conversion LTR to GAL is 1 LTR = .2642 GAL
Create lot with
Lot conversion 1 GAL = 7.683 LB
Order 15 LTR, which is 3.963 GAL, 34.41073 LB
Autoallocate so that lot with lot-specific UOM conversion is allocated, Transact Move Order shows transaction/primary qty as 34.41073 LB, secondary requested as 3.963 GAL, secondary allocated as 4.47881 GAL, which is based on lot conversion between LB and GAL.
Transact move order and ship confirm.
Transactions are created with transaction/primary qty as 34.41073 LB, secondary as as 4.47881 GAL.
When looking at the sales order, the qty shipped is shown as 15 LTR, the same as the ordered qty.
However, the secondary qty shipped is 4.47881 GAL, which converts to 16.952 LTR, not 15 LTR.
So in terms of Inventory, 16.952 LTR / 4.47881 GAL were actually removed from inventory and shipped, not the 15 LTR shown as shipped.
It is understood by the customer that without using Advanced Catch Weight, the primary qty is what drives the quantities the rest of the way through. And based on the lot-specific conversion, the quantities of 34.41073 LB and 4.47881 GAL are correct. Therefore, the Qty Shipped in LTR should be 16.95235 LTR. The customer understands that the shipped qty will not be the same in this scenario because they are not using Advanced Catch Weight. However, they do expect that the Qty Shipped will be correct. Gallons and liters both measure volume, and the ratio between them cannot change. Therefore, 4.47881 GAL should equal a Qty Shipped of 16.95235 LTR.
Note that if the ordered qty is in GAL, the item’s secondary qty, then the Qty Shipped does get set to the same as the Secondary Qty Shipped.
The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, users see an incorrect shipped qty on the sales order.
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