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R12: AP: Error Messages On Invoice Workbench: APP-SQLAP-97634, APP-SQLAP-100009 And APP-SQLAP-10234 (Doc ID 2721498.1)

Last updated on NOVEMBER 07, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Payables - Version 12.1.3 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Different error messages appear while trying to perform different actions on a foreign curreny invoice on Payables Invoice Workbench, resulting in in the invoice having the following status shown in the [General] tab of the Invoivce Workbench:


  1. While trying to validate the invoice with an Invalid Distribution Variance hold, the following error retrieved:
    APP-SQLAP-97634: The invoice XXXXXXXXX has an accounting hold and is pending cancellation so you can no longer submit it for validation.
  2. While trying to remove the hold Name: Invoice Quick Released from the invoice, the following error retrieved:
    Caution: APP-SQLAP-100009: You cannot manually release this type of hold.
    Correct the condition that caused the hold and resubmit Validation.
  3. While trying to cancel the invoice, the following note retrieved:
    APP-SQLAP-10234: This invoice cannot be fully cancelled because it has an accounting hold.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Log into Oracle Applications using a Payables responsibility.
  2. Open the Invoice Workbench.
    (N) Invoices > Entry > Invoice
  3. Query Invoice(s).
  4. Click on [Actions...] button.
  5. Try to Validate Or Cancel the Invoice(s) Or Remove Hold of an Invoice.


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