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Depreciation Fails with ORA-00001: Unique Constraint (FA.FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_U1) Violated for a Tax Book (Doc ID 2767702.1)

Last updated on JUNE 16, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Assets - Version 12.0.6 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to run depreciation via the Depreciation Run form for a tax book, the following error occurs.

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadaid returned failure (called from fadpaa)
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadpaa returned failure (called from fadatd)
APP-FND-01564: ORACLE error 1 in fadatd

Cause: fadatd failed due to ORA-00001: unique constraint (FA.FA_DEPRN_DETAIL_U1) violated

The SQL statement being executed at the time of the error was: and was executed from the file .
APP-OFA-47180: Error: FETCHing cursor &CURSOR
APP-OFA-48152: Asset number 123456
APP-OFA-47715: Error: function fadatd returned failure (called from faddep)
APP-OFA-47697: Error: Unable to insert into FA_DEPRN_DETAIL and FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY tables

Cause: You have a database problem.

Action: Contact your system administrator.

APP-OFA-47715: Error: function faddep returned failure (called from FADEPR)


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Login FA responsibility
  2. From Depreciation Menu>Run Depreciation.
  3. Choose tax book name and allow period to default.
  4. Submit.  This will create a request set and it will fail on the Run Depreciation step.




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