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MOAC On The Scheduling Organizer Screen has No Data Found Error (Doc ID 2794313.1)

Last updated on JULY 26, 2021

Applies to:

Oracle Order Management - Version 12.2.8 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Find when using MOAC multi org error in scheduling organizer screen not able to process the records for any other org than the default org .
We have setup the MOAC profiles to show records for all the orgs but when we try to process any org present on screen other than the default org for that Responsibility the following error occurs

Debug file
ORA-01403: no data found value of customer trx type id 0 in no data found for cust_trx_type_id - tax code

ORA-01403: no data found oe_order_cache procedure get_tax_calculation

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Responsibility: Order Management Super User
2. Navigate: Order, Returns > Order Organizer > go to tab Scheduling > populate the Internal Item and remove the default operating unit
You will see records of different operating units
Try to change the QTY reserved for the operating unit other than default one
Below error pops up and the record can not be processed further. Also the operating unit on
error screen is default operating unit even when selected operating
MOAC profile setup for reference
3. Receive Errors:
Debug file
ORA-01403: no data found value of customer trx type id 0 in no data found for cust_trx_type_id - tax code

ORA-01403: no data found oe_order_cache procedure get_tax_calculation


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