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In Oracle iProcurement and Oracle Workflow, Release 12.2.10, Text From First Requisition Delegation Notes Appears In the Second Requisition Delegation Notes (Doc ID 2814434.1)

Last updated on MARCH 13, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle iProcurement - Version 12.2.10 and later
Oracle Workflow - Version 12.2.10 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


In Oracle iProcurement, Release 12.2.10, when an approver user is delegating multiple approval notifications to another person, the response text entered in the first delegated notification is carried over (added) to the response text of the second delegated notification, when no text was entered during the delegation of the second notification.

It is expected that the Response field text entered during the first notification delegation effort will not be added to other notification delegations.

Due to this issue, the response comments for one notification are being shown for other notifications being delegated. This can affect the delegated approvers' decision-making process as the comments from one requisition notification may not necessary be pertinent to other requisition approval notifications.

Steps To Reproduce

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. The approver user logs in to Oracle Applications, opens the Worklist page, and opens the first requisition approval notification.
2. In the notification details page, the user enters comments in the Response text field, and clicks the Delegate button.
3. On the resulting page, the delegation to another user is selected and applied.
4. The same user then returns to the worklist and opens another requisition approval notification.
5. In the notification details page, the user does not enter any comments/text in the Response text field, and clicks the Delegate button.
6. On the resulting page, the delegation to another user is selected and applied.
7. The delegated user now opens both of the delegated notifications from the worklist.
In the action history, both notifications are containing the comment text that was entered only in the first notification. The text should not be there on the second notification, since no value was entered in the Response field for the second notification by the initial approver user.

The issue occurs for other notification types in Oracle Applications as well, such as iExpense.


Upgrade from a prior Oracle Applications release to Release 12.2.10.


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