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R12: AP/IBY: Error Creating a Supplier Bank Account When FIPS is Enabled : "Ora-28817: PL/SQL function returned error in Packabe IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB procedure IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB.create_ext_bank_acct" (Doc ID 2874315.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 12, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Payments - Version 12.0.0 and later
Oracle Payables - Version 12.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When trying to create a new supplier bank account the following error is encountered:

ORA-28817: PL/SQL function returned an error. in Package IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB
Procedure IBY_EXT_BANKACCT_PUB.create_ext_bank_acct
  1. Go to Suppliers -> Entry
  2. Query a Supplier
  3. Click on "Banking Details"
  4. Query a site
  5. Click on "Create"
  6. Enter in all the information
  7. Click Apply

This only happens if FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) mode is enabled on the database.  To verify if FIPS is enabled run




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