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Associated Rules Not Visible After Converting From Logic Rule to Statement Rule (Doc ID 2939088.1)

Last updated on APRIL 03, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Configurator - Version 12.2.11 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : 12.2.11 version, Runtime Core

Rule disappears after converting from Logic Rule to Statement Rule.

Expect rule be displayed in the Associated Rules area.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Configurator developer responsibility
2. Create new rule "Rule 1"
3. Select 'Logical Rule'
4. Select First operand Model Node "Node 1"
5. Select Second operand Model Node "Node 2"
6. Select First operand condition to "All True"
7. Select Second operand condition to "All True"
8. Press button Apply
9. Rule has been created
10. Now going back to "Structure" and looking at the item, you are able to see in section "Associated Rules" the new rule "Rule 1"
11. Now going back to "Rules" and modifying rule "Rule 1", pressing button "Convert to Statement Rule"
12. Press "Apply" button
13. Now going back again to "Structure" and looking again at the item, you are not able to see in section "Associated Rules" the new rule "Rule 1"


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