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G-Invoicing: OKE Controlled PM_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE Incorrectly Updated By G-invoicing Intragovernmental Orders (Doc ID 2993832.1)

Last updated on MAY 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Project Billing - Version 12.2.8 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


For Seller Facilitated Orders (SFO orders), intergovernmental program incorrectly updates PM_AGREEMENT_REFERENCE field with requesting agency order tracking number from G-invoicing system. This impacts subsequent contract related OKE processes when processing order amendments.

Agreement Reference field is getting updated for OKE Controlled agreements.
Due to this Agreement Submission is failing.

1. Create a new OKE contract agreement for some amount say $5000 and approve it
2. Create a project
3. Create an SFO order by public Api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.CREATE_IGT_ORDER with SFO Details
4. Link Agreement by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.LINK_IGT_AGREEMENT
5. Associate project by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.IGT_ORDER_ASSOCIATE_PRJ
6. Update pobg header by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.IGT_UPD_POBG_HEADER
7. Update pobg lines by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.IGT_UPD_POBG_LINES
8. Update additional uda attributes by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.UPDATE_POBG_ADDITIONAL_ATR
9. Submit agreement by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.SUBNMIT_IGT_AGREEMENT
10. Make sure submit is going fine without any error.
11. Approve from Requesting Agency from G-Invoicing
12. Pull the order to EBS
13. Update the contract Funding from $5000 to $5200 and approve the agreement
14. Update this SFO order by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.UPDATE_IGT_ORDER with Initiate Modification as 'Y'
15. Update pobg header by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.IGT_UPD_POBG_HEADER
16. Update pobg lines by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.IGT_UPD_POBG_LINES
17. Update additional uda attributes by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.UPDATE_POBG_ADDITIONAL_ATR
18. Submit agreement by public api PA_IGT_EXT_API_PUB.SUBNMIT_IGT_AGREEMENT
19. Submit is failing with error.




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