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Enterprise Command Center (ECC) Dashboard Data Load Shows One-Hour Delay Than The E-Business Suite (EBS) Concurrent Request Data Load Performed For ECC (Doc ID 3035418.1)

Last updated on JULY 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Enterprise Command Center Framework - Version 12.2.4 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When executing a concurrent request from E-Business Suite (EBS) for an Enterprise Command Center (ECC) Full or Incremental Load, the timezone reflected in the concurrent request on EBS shows 1-hour delay to the time shows in the ECC dashboard for the executed data load.

The issue can be replicated using below steps:

1. Setup EBS 12.2.12 with ECC using Doc ID: 2495053.1
2. Perform an ECC data load as an EBS Concurrent Request as shown below.

3. Note down the time for the data refresh/load time seen in the EBS concurrent request.

4. Navigate to ECC Developer and in the ECC dashboard view, check to see if the time for the data load performed using EBS concurrent request matches and does not show a 1-hour delay as seen below from the time when the concurrent request was done as per time in step 2.


In the above, we can see that the data load on the ECC dashboard shows timestamp which is one hour behind the time displayed in EBS concurrent request that was performed.



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