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R12: OIE: Expense Report Is Stuck With a ‘Pending System Administrator Action' Status and the Error Message ‘3120: Activity 'APEXP/<Activity Id>' has no performer.’ Along With the Error Stack ‘APEXP:OIE_AP_EXP_ALLOCATIONS_FAILURE’ in the Workflow (Doc ID 3047855.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 19, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Internet Expenses - Version 12.0.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When submitting an expense report for approval, it does not go to the manager or supervisor for approval.

The Expense Report is stuck with a 'Pending System Administrator Action' status after submission.

The following error message appears in the Workflow:

Failed Activity: Inform Individual of Expense Allocations Failure
Activity Type: Notice
Error Message: 3120: Activity 'APEXP/<Activity Id>' has no performer.
Error Stack: Wf_Engine_Util.Notification_Send(APEXP, <report header id>, <Activity Id>, APEXP:OIE_AP_EXP_ALLOCATIONS_FAILURE) Wf_Engine_Util.Notification(APEXP, <report header id>, <Activity Id>, RUN)

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Internet Expenses responsibility
  2. Create an expense report
  3. Submit it for approval
  4. Navigate to Internet Expenses Audit Manager responsibility
  5. Search for newly created expense report
  6. The Report Status is shown as 'Pending System Administrator Action'
  7. Go to Administrator Workflow responsibility
  8. Status Monitor - Monitor Search
  9. Enter Type Internal Name = APEXP and Item Key = <expense report number>, then Go
  10. The above message are displayed




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