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Oracle Transportation Management Version 6.x Roll Up (RU) Releases (Doc ID 416097.1)

Last updated on JULY 20, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Transportation Management - Version 5.5 to 6.4.0 [Release 5.5 to 6.4]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


We provide a vehicle for delivering software to our clients - roll up releases. Rollup releases began with 5.5 CU2. Below are answers to questions about this delivery mechanism.

Why are we introducing roll up releases?

The purpose of roll up releases is two-fold. First, we want to periodically bring our clients to a common base of defect corrections. This will minimize the code conflicts from providing one off client patches. Second, we want to reduce the number of one off patches. One off patches receive minimal testing and therefore represent a higher threat to our clients. At the same time, we recognize that clients are reluctant to wait to receive a defect fix until the next release that may be several months away and that may require a significant migration effort. We expect that clients will be more willing to wait for a roll up release where issues can be more thoroughly tested and where we can complete regression testing.

What is a roll up release?

For 6.1 and 6.2, a roll up release consists of a collection of defect fixes. The release includes client one off patches delivered since the previous release or roll up and fixed issues targeted specifically for the roll up release. Roll ups exclude database changes, data migration, and, with only approved exceptions, enhancements.

We will release roll ups like a patch. We will not do a full build for delivery to the clients. Our goal is to minimize the effort with a client implementing a roll up release.

As of 6.3, a roll up release can include more robust enhancements, including incremental database and/or XML additions. To minimize client impact, we will control access to enhanced functionality via properties and parameters. In addition, we will provide the ability to patch against a specific roll up.

What is the current release?


What documentation will clients receive with a roll up release?

For 6.1, we will provide release notes for roll ups. As of 6.2, we will provide updated online help, product documentation and release notes for roll ups.


There is no action required. This announcement is for information purposes only.

How does this affect our clients?

We expect roll ups to have a positive impact on the software quality of defect fixes provided. Toward this goal, we will encourage our clients to accept high priority (but non-critical) fixes in a roll up instead of as a one off patch. For 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3, we will only certify one off patches on the most recent roll up. We expect this to encourage clients to move to the most recent roll up release before applying a one off patch. Though we will provide patches on a 6.4 roll up for a limited period of time, we will continue to encourage clients to move to the most recent roll up.


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In this Document
 Why are we introducing roll up releases?
 What is a roll up release?
 What is the current release?
 What documentation will clients receive with a roll up release?
 How does this affect our clients?

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