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Unable To Copy And Paste Text To Desktop Applications From Core Applications (Doc ID 434038.1)

Last updated on AUGUST 03, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle E-Business Suite Technology Stack - Version to [Release 11.5.10]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On in cloned instance:
Users are unable to paste the text copied from core forms to any desktop applications such as notepad.
However, users are able to copy and paste within the forms.

Expected Behavior
User should be able to copy data from any of fields in the forms to any desktop applications such as notepad.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Log into Oracle Applications.

2. Click on apps logon links.

3. Select the e-Business homepage.

4. Enter username and password on appsLocalLogin.jsp.

5. Select a core forms responsibility:

For example - System administrator responsibility - Choose menu option - Requests

6. Right click on any field on the form - Select Copy

Try to paste it to anywhere on the desktop - for example - In notepad.

User is unable to paste the copied data.

The issue has the following business impact:
User is unable to copy and paste from core applications to any desktop application.




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