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Autoinvoice errors: Please complete the offset account assignments (Doc ID 436831.1)

Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Receivables - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
EXECUTABLE:RAXMTR - Autoinvoice Master Program
EXECUTABLE:RAXTRX - Autoinvoice Import Program


Oracle Receivables (AR): AutoInvoice Information Center > Troubleshooting AutoInvoice for Oracle Receivables Release 11.5 Through 12 > Troubleshooting AutoAccounting in AutoInvoice  > Note 436831.1

Autoinvoice finishes successfully with this error in the autoinvoice execution report:

Errors: 1) Please complete the offset account assignments

Cannot successfully import sales orders from order management.

This can also occur in:
Oracle Receivables Transaction Workbench
Oracle Receivables: AutoInvoice Import
Oracle Receivables: Invoice API's
Oracle Projects: Project Billing Generate Draft Invoices or Revenue




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In this Document
  1. Check AutoAccounting Setup
 a) If Segments Source = Salesreps
 b) If Segment Source =  Standard Lines
 c) If Segment Source = Transaction Types
 d) If Segment Source = Sites
 2. If you are passing Data in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL
 4. Check the profile option: AR: Use Invoice Accounting for Credit Memos
 5. Check if the GL account exists and is active
 6. Verify Accounting Flexfield setting for Enabled and Allow Dynamic Inserts
 7. Verify whether the GL account does not violate any cross-validation rules of the segments.
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