RCVRCVRC: Receiver (Or) Employee ID Is Null On Some Receiving Transactions (RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES) After Receiving Transaction Processor Completes
(Doc ID 579554.1)
Last updated on DECEMBER 10, 2024
Applies to:
Oracle Inventory Management - Version 12.2 and later Information in this document applies to any platform.
FORM:RCVRCVRC.FMB - View Receiving Transactions
On Receiving Transaction Summary form, the Receiver field is null for some transactions.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create and Approve a Purchase Order (PO) which has 2 or more lines 2. Query the PO in Receipts form 3. Select one line then deselect it 4. Select another line, enter Required details then Save 5. Navigate to Receiving Transaction Summary form RCVRCVRC The Receiver field is null for some transactions. 6. In iProcurement the column "Received By" is filled with the value "EMPID 0 NOT DEFINED "
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