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Revenue Adjustment API Issue: AutoAccounting Is Overriding the GL Accounts You Have Passed into Interface Tables (Doc ID 728432.1)

Last updated on JANUARY 25, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Receivables - Version to [Release 11.5.10]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


You are importing invoices from legacy system, and these invoices are using different GL accounts for Revenue, than what you have set up in AutoAccounting. So you want to retain the original GL accounts while importing these legacy transactions via AutoInvoice. By providing the GL accounts in the interface table you are able to create the invoices with the correct Legacy GL accounts. However, these invoices have deferred revenue and once you run Revenue Accounting against these invoices, the Revenue adjustment API overrides the GL accounts to use the accounts defined in AutoAccounting.

Following are the steps to illustrate the process:
1. Create Invoice through AutoInvoice, by giving RECeivables, REVenue and UNEARNed Revenue accounts in AR_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table. Invoice uses deferred accounting rule.
2. Run Standard Revenue Recognition.
3. Call Revenue Adjustment API "ar_revenueadjust_pub.earn_revenue" to create revenue schedule depending upon business rules.
4. API uses Autoaccounting to derive the Revenue and Unearned Revenue GL accounts and derives wrong account values.

How can you prevent the Revenue Adjustment API "ar_revenueadjust_pub.earn_revenue" from overriding the GL accounts with the Autoaccounting derived GL accounts?


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