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SWIG Service Posted Credit Transaction 4 days later after SWIG restart (Doc ID 3026932.1)

Last updated on JUNE 11, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Credit transaction comes from the SWIG but it was not posted in FCUBS System  . Entry got passed 4 days later automatically.

Where was the Message lying for 4 days and why it was not cleared?


The basic SWIG functionality in app layer is that it will convert the ISO Message received from SWITCH from ASCII into the tilde (“~”) separated format and call the DB, the transmission of the message from APP layer to DB layer happens via TCP Network (using Universal Connection Pool).
This network is controlled by the connection queue settings. IF there is no delay in the network and if the socket is available in the connection pool, FCUBS will process the Message and send back response and SWIG will sent it back to SWITCH
If there is any network inconsistency, then it look for a time out session in TCP setting for that transaction to clear. If the waiting period exceeds the timeout session, then it removes the message from the queue and clear the same.


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