Fusion INV: SQLs And Troubleshooting Tips On Errors Related To Inventory Transfer Orders Functional Area
(Doc ID 2786781.1)
Last updated on APRIL 04, 2023
Applies to:
Oracle Fusion Inventory ManagementOracle Fusion Supply Chain Orchestration
Oracle Fusion Shipping
Oracle Fusion Receiving
Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Cloud Service
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document provides SQLs and possible solutions on common issues/errors related to Inventory Transfer Orders functional area.
The functionality described in this document applies to Oracle Fusion Inventory Management Application
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In this Document
Purpose |
Scope |
Details |
Errors |
1) An application error has occurred. Your help desk can use the following information to obtain a more detailed description of this incident |
2) No valid supply sources were found |
3) Transit Times Were Not Found Between The Origin And Destination Locations |
4) The transfer order cannot be created for organization level planning because the source and destination organizations are the same |
5) Shipping method xxxxx is not assigned to source organization xxxxx |
6) Pick Wave xxxxx was released. Number of pick slips: 0 and number of picks: 0 |
7) A party could not be found for the requester provided on the line |
8) The value provided for the Revision attribute is invalid |
9) You cannot increase the requested quantity. (INV-2416510) |
10) INV_MATRX_TXN_DATE_HOOK The transaction date must be in an open accounting period |
11) The receiving transaction cannot be processed because an error occurred for module inv_to_process_orders_pkg and method create_transfer_order_service with error .ORA-01403: no data found |
12) The request to create a pick wave was partially completed with warnings |
13) The value provided for the item ID attribute is invalid. Value provided: "InventoryItemId" (WSH_SHPCN_OI_INVLD_ITEM_ID) |
14) The value provided for the Destination Locator attribute is invalid. Value provided: {DESTINATION_LOCATOR} (INV_INT_XLOCCODE) |
15) You cannot use the lot specified because it violates the lot uniqueness rule defined for the item or organization. (WSH-2460578) |
16) You must provide a value for the attribute Staging Locator |
17) The shipment line <XX> was not progressed successfully because an error occurred while validating the quick ship process. The reservation was not created |
18) The value provided for the attribute Subinventory Transfer is invalid |
19) The difference in primary and secondary quantities is exceeding the deviation limit for the item. Adjust the quantities not to exceed the deviation limit. (INV-2416220) |
20) module inv_to_process_orders_pkg and method insert_to_inv_supply_rec with error .ORA-0000: normal, successful completion |
21) Your request to create a pick wave failed. try again later using the action Add to Release Schedule |
22) An error occurred while retrieving the in-transit time between source organization XXX1 and destination organization XXX2 |
23) The serial number is not valid for transaction source type Transfer Order and transaction action In-transit shipment |
24) An application error occurred while submitting the shipment request: return_status = E error_count=0 |
25) The secondary quantity cannot deviate for the fixed conversion defined for item {ITEM} |
26) The supply request creation failed. Try again. (DOS-3450147) |
1) What SQL Query can be used to show the link between a Transfer Order, Pick Slip Number, and Supply Orchestration Number? |
2) SQL to check inventory interface errors for the shipment lines that are in Shipped Status for a Closed order line |