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Clauses Are Not Getting Imported Due To Preventing Access Error (Doc ID 2856298.1)

Last updated on OCTOBER 05, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Fusion Enterprise Contracts - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On : version, Terms Library

Clauses not getting imported with Clause Import Program.

When user tries to import the Contract Clauses with the clause Import Program - Import Contract Clauses from XML File.
The Import Program returns error.

The XML file <FileName> can't be accessed because it isn't in the correct location or the security settings are preventing access.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:

1. Prepare your XML file by the next example:

<Clause action="Sync" datepublished="YYYY-MM-DD7">
<Number>Mandatory and Unique Provide a clause number</Number>
<Title>Mandatory Provide title</Title>
<DisplayName>Mandatory Provide Display Name</DisplayName>
<Intent>Mandatory B or S</Intent>
<Status>Mandatory DRAFT/APPROVED</Status>
<ClauseType>Mandatory FAR/DFAR/ADMIN</ClauseType>
<OperatingUnit>Mandatory Business unit ID</OperatingUnit>
<InstructionText>Not mandatory</InstructionText>
<Text>Body of the clause</Text>
<Language>Mandatory, values that schema accepts </Language>
<GlobalYn>Mandatory N or Y</GlobalYn>
<StartDate>Mandatory YYYY-MM-DD</StartDate>
<EndDate>Mandatory if status is not DRAFT YYYY-MM-DD</EndDate>

2. Save the file as XML

3. Navigate to Tools -> File Import and Export

4. Click Add

5. Select your XML file, Account – crm/clause/import

6. Navigate to Contract Management -> Terms Library -> Task List -> Import Clauses

7. Populate the parameters as follows:

- Default Business Unit: The business unit where clauses are assigned

- Create as Global Clause: You can specify clauses imported into the global business unit as global clauses. This means they will be available for adoption by other business units.

- Default Clause Status: The status you enter here is used to specify the status of clause records where no status is specified.

- Mode: Use the Validate option to test the quality of your data. Use the Import option to import the clauses

8. Use the Manage Process task available in the Terms Library work area to monitor the import progress. Review the log for any error messages.


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