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OCNE: How To Do HealthCheck / Validation Of Oracle Cloud Native Environment (OCNE)? (Doc ID 2904921.1)

Last updated on APRIL 09, 2024

Applies to:

Oracle Cloud Native Environment (OCNE) - Version 1.0 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This MOS note provides detailed steps to do healthcheck and validation of Oracle Cloud Native Environment (OCNE).

Following is the list of validations/checks done using steps in this MOS note to validate the health status of OCNE environment and installation.


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In this Document
 1) Validate the OCNE version being installed
 2) Generate OCNE Environment Health Report
 3) Generate OCNE Environment Module Report
 4) Validate Modules installed as part of OCNE
 5) On all OCNE nodes, operator, control and worker nodes, validate swap is disabled
 6) On Operator node, make sure that firewall-cmd service is running and port 8091 is open
 6(a) Check the status of firewalld on Operator node
 6(b) Check the open Firewall ports on Operator node
 7) On all Control Nodes, make sure that firewall-cmd service is running, required port are open and cni0 interface is added to trusted zone
 7(a) Check the status of firewalld on all Control nodes
 7(b) Check the open Firewall ports on all Control nodes
 7(c) Check cni0 interface is listed under trusted zone on all Control nodes
 8) On all Worker Nodes, make sure that firewall-cmd service is running, required port are open and cni0 interface is added to trusted zone
 8(a) Check the status of firewalld on all Worker nodes
 8(b) Check the open Firewall ports on all Worker nodes
 8(c) Check cni0 interface is listed under trusted zone on all Worker nodes
 9) On All Control and Worker Nodes Validate that br_netfilter module is loaded
 10) Validate that OCNE API Server service is running on Operator Node
 11) Validate OCNE Agent service is running on all Control and Worker Nodes
 12) Validate Kubernetes nodes are in Ready State
 13) Validate all Kubernetes control pods part of kube-system namespace are running
 14) Validate Kubernetes Version

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