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OCNE: How To Enable / Disable Debug Logging For CoreDNS Pods In Oracle Cloud Native Environment? (Doc ID 2938349.1)

Last updated on MARCH 30, 2023

Applies to:

Oracle Cloud Native Environment (OCNE) - Version 1.5 and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This MOS Note provides procedural steps for enabling and disabling debug logging for coredns pods in Oracle Cloud Native Environment (OCNE) kubernetes environment.

Information in this MOS note to enable/disable coredns debug logging will be helpful in situations where debug logging has to be enabled, for e.g. troubleshooting issues like coredns pods not coming up, DNS not working etc.


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In this Document
 STEP 1: Backup the coredns pods Configuration in YAML format
 STEP 2: Enable Debug Logging For coredns
 2(a) Enable debug logging for coredns
 2(b) Validate that debug logging is enabled for coredns
 2(c) Restart coredns pods
 2(d) Wait for coredns pods to come up
 2(e) Validate that debug logging is seen on coredns pods
 STEP 3: Disable Debug Logging For coredns
 3(a) Edit coredns config map using kubectl command
 3(b) Remove the "log" debug line entry in coredns config map in editor mode
 3(c) Restart coredns pods
 3(d) Wait for coredns pods to come up
 3(e) Validate that debug logging is turned off on coredns pods

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