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FAQ: Microsoft Outlook Integration with Talent Acquisition Manager (TAM) Interview Scheduling. (Doc ID 1081138.1)

Last updated on SEPTEMBER 06, 2023

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Talent Acquisition Manager - Version 9.1 to 9.1 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
This document now incorporates information from document 1064806.1, which has been deleted.


In HRMS 9.1, there is new functionality which allows Recruiting Solutions Interview Scheduling to integration with Microsoft Outlook 2007 calendaring.  This will streamline the interview scheduling process by enabling recruiters and managers to schedule appointments in Microsoft Outlook 2007 with data synchronization back to Talent Acquisition Manager.  This knowledge document will outline setup information about this new functionality as well as list any FAQ's relevant to this topic.

Questions and Answers

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In this Document
Questions and Answers
 How do we setup the integration between Recruiting Solutions and Microsoft Outlook?
 PeopleBooks states that we need to have Microsoft Outlook 2007 for this Integration to work.  Do we need Microsoft Outlook 2007 installed on our interviewers computers or do we need to have everyone on the 2007 exchange for full calendar integration to work?
 Where can we download the Outlook Plug In for the integration of Recruiting and MS Outlook?
 How to Setup SSL for Weblogic?
 Outlook Integration Shows Message "MessageUnmarshallingException: IBMessage:setContent(). Message Content is not a Mime Message."
 Does the integration work with Microsoft Outlook 2010?
 Does the integration work with Microsoft Outlooks 2003, and if so, can 'Full' and/or 'Partial' integration be used?
 Outlook integration requires a PeopleSoft ID & Password. Can we use a generic application ID or does the desktop installation require a user's actual PS ID and Password to remain in synch?

What are the permissions required for the User ID that is used in the Outlook integration client configuration?

What happens when the user's password is changed? Will the Outlook application fail? Will it prompt the user for a new password?
 Is there a way to just synch passwords from Active Directory? E.g. If a company has more than 500 users who are interviewers, do they all need to enter manually and manage their User IDs and passwords through Outlook?

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