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EE_SEQ_NUM Incorrect when Sourcing a Requisition Line to an Existing Purchase Order - Resulting in a Budget Check Unique Constraint Error (Doc ID 1548437.1)

Last updated on FEBRUARY 09, 2024

Applies to:

PeopleSoft Enterprise SCM Purchasing - Version 9 to 9.1 [Release 9]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


PO_POCREATE does not increment PO_HDR.EE_SEQ_NUM when using User Assign PO ID on the Requisition Selection page. Subsequently adding lines to an existing PO will result in budget check abend at Step FS_BP_PEOD.ActLogC.iActLog.

1. Add a P.O. with one line, sched, distrib.
2. Budget Check P.O.
3. Create Requisition with same vendor as above P.O.
4. Budget check req.
5. Using Requisition Selection - Select the Requisition.
6. Click on Staging Information link.
7. Check User Assign ID checkbox and enter PO ID created in step 1 above.
8. Press Save.
9. Run PO Calculation process
10. Run PO Create process.
11. PO Header & Distribution of P.O.
Note: At this point EE_SEQ_NUM is incorrect for PO_HDR - it should be 2. If we had added a P.O. line manually the EE_SEQ_NUM would have incremented, but the sourcing process does not do this. EE_SEQ_NUM on the PO_LINE_DISTRIB is good so far so it will not cause a budget check failure until the EE_SEQ_NUM is incorrect at the distribution level.
12. Budget Check P.O. (budget checks successfully).
13. Add new Line to P.O. and save.
14. EE_SEQ_NUM of PO_LINE_DISTRIB is incorrect.
Note: The newly added line 3 has a EE_SEQ_NUM of 2, which is incorrect.  From other testing we know the process looks at the original EE_SEQ_NUM on the PO_HDR (1 which was incorrect) and increments by one to determine the new EE_SEQ_NUM on the distribution.  There should not be the same EE_SEQ_NUM of 2 for both line 2 and 3 on PO_LINE_DISTRIB. EE_SEQ_NUM needs to be unique per line or this will cause budget checking issues.
15. Purchase Order is in Open Status. Approve P.O. and save. (Save does not fix EE_SEQ_NUM issue on po_line_distrib.)
16. Budget Check P.O. (Red Processing will flash and then disappear. The budget status remains at Not Checked. Without going to process monitor the user does not know that the budget check process went to No Success.)
17. Navigate to Process Monitor.
18. Budget check went to No Success with the following unique constraint
error message:

Stmt #: 1620 Error Position: 0 Return: 805 - ORA-00001: unique constraint

Process 8292 ABENDED at Step FS_BP_PEOD.ActLogC.iActLog (SQL) -- RC = 805


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